Greek Coffee Vs Turkish Coffee: What’s the Difference

Greek Coffee Vs Turkish Coffee: Are you an avid coffee lover? Then you are likely familiar with greek and turkish coffees. These two types of coffee beverages have been around for centuries, hailing from the Middle East and having become a staple in many cultures all over the world.

But what sets them apart from each other? If you’re debating drinking either one of these caffeinated delights or want to learn more about their differences, then this post is sure to inform you about everything there is to know about greek vs turkish coffee. From brewing methods to cultural influences, we’ll be exploring both coffees in detail so keep reading!

What Is Greek Coffee?

Greek coffee is a beloved beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries in Greece and beyond. It is not just a drink, but rather an important part of Greek culture and identity. So, what is Greek coffee exactly? It is a strong and rich coffee that is brewed in a traditional copper pot called a briki, and served in a small cup with a frothy top layer of foam.

But, more than just a delicious coffee, Greek coffee has a long and storied history, dating back to the Ottoman Empire and the influence of Turkish coffee-making culture on Greece. Greek coffee holds a deep cultural significance, often being shared amongst friends and family as a symbol of hospitality and warmth. For those seeking to experience a true piece of Greek culture, sampling a cup of Greek coffee is a must.

What Is Turkish Coffee?

Turkish Coffee is a strong and flavorful coffee that has been a staple of Turkish culture for centuries. It is prepared by boiling finely ground coffee beans in a traditional copper pot called a “cezve” and served in small cups called “fincans.” With its thick and foamy texture, this coffee is known for its strong and robust flavor.

Its history dates back to Ottoman times and has since become an important part of Turkish culture. This cultural significance is popularly demonstrated in the traditional Turkish coffee house, where this drink is brewed and shared with loved ones. Not only is Turkish coffee a delicious drink, but it has also grown to become a symbol of hospitality and friendship in Turkish culture.

Greek Coffee Vs Turkish Coffee: What’s The Differents

Differences In Roasting Method

One of the significant differences is the roasting process, as Greek Coffee is generally roasted lighter than its Turkish counterpart. This roasting technique results in a milder and smoother flavor profile that appeals to many coffee enthusiasts. The use of lighter roasts also helps to maintain the natural acidity and brightness of the coffee beans, making Greek Coffee an excellent choice for those who prefer a lighter coffee with more nuanced flavors. In contrast, Turkish Coffee’s darker roasting process produces a fuller-bodied coffee with more robust flavors and a stronger aroma.

Differences In Taste And Flavor Profiles

One of the most notable differences between Greek and Turkish coffee lies in its taste. Greek coffee tends to have a more subtle flavor while Turkish coffee is known for being strong and robust. The difference in flavor profile is due to the different brewing methods used for each type of coffee.

While both Greek and Turkish coffees are boiled, the way they are ground is quite different. Greek coffee is made with a finer grind, while Turkish coffee typically has larger and coarser grinds. This difference in grinding methods affects the taste of both coffees, making them unique and distinct.

Differences In Brewing Equipment And Serving Styles

Another difference between Greek and Turkish coffees lies in their brewing equipment and serving styles. Greek coffee is brewed in a traditional copper pot called a briki while Turkish coffee is made in a special copper pot called a cezve. The pots used for each type of coffee give the drink unique characteristics that are important to consider when choosing which one you would like to try.

Additionally, Greek coffee is served in small cups called demitasse while Turkish coffee is often served in fincans. The size of the serving cup can affect the strength and flavor of the coffee so it’s important to pay attention to this detail when ordering either drink.

Differences In Ingredients And Preparation Methods

The last major difference between Greek and Turkish coffee lies in the type of ingredients used to make the drink and the preparation methods themselves. Greek coffee is made with a combination of water, sugar, and ground coffee beans while Turkish coffee uses only water and finely ground coffee beans. The way each beverage is prepared also plays a role in its distinct flavor profiles.

Greek coffee is heated slowly and carefully in a briki while Turkish coffee is boiled quickly and vigorously in a cezve pot. This difference in preparation methods results in two unique drinks that are sure to please any coffee lover.

Differences In Health Benefits And Rituals Associated With Each Drink

Finally, Greek and Turkish coffees differ in the health benefits they provide as well as the rituals associated with each drink. While both coffees have similar amounts of caffeine, Greek coffee is said to be lower in acidity due to its slower brewing method. This makes it easier on the stomach and might be a better option for those who are sensitive to acidic foods.

Furthermore, Turkish coffee is often served with a glass of water or sweet treat on the side and can involve special rituals such as reading coffee grinds in the cup. Greek coffee is usually served straight from the pot without any extras and does not typically involve any special rituals.

Comparison Of Caffeine Content And Effects On The Body

While both are known for their intense flavors and unique brewing methods, there are notable differences in caffeine content and effects on the body. Greek coffee generally has a higher caffeine content, as it is traditionally made with a darker roast and ground more finely. Turkish coffee, on the other hand, is typically brewed with a lighter roast and a coarser grind. As for the effects on the body, both can provide a boost of energy, but Greek coffee is known for providing a more immediate and intense jolt, while Turkish coffee can produce a more mellow and sustained effect.

Which One Is Better? The Debate Between Greek Coffee And Turkish Coffee

At the end of the day, there is no clear winner when it comes to the debate between Greek and Turkish coffee. Both are delicious drinks that have a long history and cultural significance in their respective countries. While each has its own unique flavor profile, brewing methods, health benefits, and rituals associated with it – choosing which one to try can be difficult!

Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and which flavor profile better suits the individual. Whether someone prefers a more subtle flavor of Greek coffee or the boldness of Turkish coffee – it is all up to them! No matter what, both types of coffees have stood the test of time and continue to be enjoyed by many around the world. 

Popular Variations And Regional Differences In Greek Coffee:

There are several variations of Greek coffee that are unique to specific regions within the country. These popular variations highlight the regional differences in the way Greek coffee is prepared and served.

One popular variation of Greek coffee is the “metrios” or medium coffee. This is a medium-roasted coffee that is ground to a fine powder and then brewed in a traditional briki, which is a small copper pot. The coffee is typically sweetened with sugar and served in small demitasse cups. This variation of Greek coffee is enjoyed throughout Greece and is a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Another popular variation of Greek coffee is the “sketos” or unsweetened coffee. In this variation, the coffee is brewed the same way as the metrios, but without any sugar added. This results in a strong and bitter flavor that is enjoyed by those who prefer their coffee without any sweetness. The sketos is most commonly enjoyed in northern Greece, where the preference for unsweetened coffee is more prevalent.

In addition to these variations, there are also regional differences in the way Greek coffee is prepared and served. For example, in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, Greek coffee is often served with a glass of cold water on the side. This is to cleanse the palate before and after drinking the coffee. Additionally, in some regions of the country, Greek coffee is often served with a spoonful of sesame halva or melomakarona – a traditional Greek dessert.

Regardless of which variation or regional difference you choose to enjoy, one thing is for sure: Greek coffee is an integral part of the country’s culture and remains an incredibly popular beverage among Greeks and visitors alike.

Popular Variations And Regional Differences In Turkish Coffee

Despite being a simple drink made from ground coffee beans and water, Turkish coffee has various popular variations and regional differences that make it even more special. These differences can be attributed to factors such as the type of coffee beans used, the brewing technique, and the addition of certain ingredients to enhance the taste.

One of the popular variations of Turkish coffee is known as “sade,” which translates to plain or unsweetened. This is the most traditional way of preparing Turkish coffee, where only coffee grounds and water are used. The simplicity of sade Turkish coffee allows the natural flavors of the coffee beans to come through, creating a bold and robust cup of coffee.

Another popular variation is “az şekerli,” which means lightly sweetened. In this variation, a small amount of sugar is added to the coffee during the brewing process, providing a hint of sweetness without overpowering the taste of the coffee. This is a preferred choice for those who enjoy a slightly sweeter cup of Turkish coffee.

Regional differences also play a significant role in the variations of Turkish coffee. For example, in the Black Sea region of Turkey, where tea is more commonly consumed, Turkish coffee is often prepared with a higher ratio of water to coffee grounds, resulting in a lighter and milder flavor. On the other hand, in the southeastern region of Turkey, cardamom is commonly added to Turkish coffee, giving it a distinct and aromatic taste.

Where To Find Greek Coffee And Turkish Coffee?

When it comes to finding Greek coffee and Turkish coffee, there are a few places where you can easily get your hands on these delicious beverages. 

One of the most common places to find Greek and Turkish coffee is in specialty coffee shops or cafes that focus on Mediterranean cuisine. These establishments have a range of authentic Greek and Turkish coffee options on their menus, allowing coffee enthusiasts to enjoy the rich flavors and unique preparation methods of these traditional drinks.

Additionally, Greek and Turkish coffee can often be found in ethnic grocery stores or markets that cater to Mediterranean or Middle Eastern communities. These stores typically have a wide variety of imported foods and beverages, including Greek and Turkish coffee. Here, you can find different brands and varieties of coffee, as well as the traditional coffee pots used for brewing them. 

If you are unable to find Greek or Turkish coffee in your local area, there are also online retailers that specialize in selling these products. These websites offer a convenient way to order your favorite coffee blends or try new ones from the comfort of your own home. By browsing through their selection, you can find different roasts, grinds, and flavors to suit your preferences. 

How To Make Greek Coffee And Turkish Coffee At Home?

Making Greek coffee and Turkish coffee at home is not as difficult as it may seem. With the right ingredients and equipment, you can easily recreate these traditional drinks in your own kitchen.

Make Greek Coffee:


– Ground Greek coffee

– Sugar (optional)


– Briki (traditional copper pot)

– Stovetop or hot plate


  1. Place the briki on the stovetop or hot plate and add in a tablespoon of ground coffee for each cup you want to make. 
  2. Add sugar to taste if desired. 
  3. Gradually add cold water while stirring until the pot is filled approximately ¾ of the way up.
  4. Place the briki on a low heat and stir continuously until the coffee starts to foam and rise in the pot. 
  5. Once it has reached its peak, remove from heat and pour into small demitasse cups.

Make Turkish Coffee:


– Ground Turkish coffee

– Sugar (optional)


– Ibrik (traditional copper pot)

– Stovetop or hot plate Instructions: 

  1. Place the ibrik on the stovetop or hot plate and add in a tablespoon of ground coffee for each cup you want to make.
  2. Add sugar to taste if desired. 
  3. Slowly pour in cold water while stirring until the pot is filled approximately ¾ of the way up. 
  4. Place the ibrik on low heat and stir continuously until it begins to foam at the top and small bubbles appear on the surface.
  5. Once it has reached its peak, remove from heat and carefully pour into small demitasse cups. 


Did Greek or Turkish coffee come first?

Although the exact origins of Greek and Turkish coffee are still unknown, it is believed that Turkish coffee was first created in the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century. It was later adapted by Greeks during the 19th century, leading to what we now know as Greek coffee.

How much caffeine is in Greek coffee?

The amount of caffeine in Greek coffee varies depending on the type of beans used, but generally it contains around 60-80 milligrams of caffeine per cup. For comparison, a standard cup of brewed coffee usually contains about 95-165 milligrams of caffeine.

Can you make Turkish or Greek coffee with instant coffee?

Yes, you can make Turkish and Greek coffee with instant coffee, but the taste and texture may not be the same as using freshly ground beans. It is generally recommended to use fresh ground coffee for the best results.

Can you make Greek or Turkish coffee in a regular coffee maker?

No, because of the unique brewing process used to make these traditional coffees, it is not possible to make them in a regular coffee maker. Instead, you must use a briki or ibrik pot designed specifically for making Greek and Turkish coffee.

Are there any health benefits of drinking Greek or Turkish coffee?

Yes, both Greek and Turkish coffee provide several health benefits due to the high levels of antioxidants they contain. Studies have shown that consuming these traditional coffees can help reduce inflammation, improve cognitive function, and protect against cellular damage. Additionally, they are low in calories and sugar-free, making them a healthy alternative to other caffeinated beverages.

Is Greek coffee stronger than espresso?

Yes, Greek coffee is generally stronger than espresso. This is due to the traditional brewing methods used for making Greek coffee, which results in a more concentrated and robust flavor. The strength of the coffee can also be adjusted by using different ratios of water and coffee grounds.  

Is Greek coffee bitter?

The bitterness of Greek coffee varies depending on the roast and grind of the beans used. Generally, lighter roasts tend to have a more mild and mellow flavor while darker roasts are usually more intense and bitter in taste. However, adding sugar or other sweeteners can help reduce any bitterness.

Can I add milk or cream to Greek or Turkish coffee?

No, Greek and Turkish coffee are traditionally served without any dairy products. Adding milk or cream will change the flavor and texture of the drinks, making them less authentic. Instead, you can add a spoonful of sugar or other sweetener to your cup to balance out the flavors.  

How long does Turkish coffee effect last?

The effects of Turkish coffee can last up to three hours, depending on the person. Like other caffeinated beverages, drinking Turkish coffee can provide an energy boost and improved focus. However, it should be consumed in moderation as excessive amounts may lead to jitters or other negative side effects.

How many calories are in Turkish coffee?

A single cup of Turkish coffee usually contains between 10-30 calories, depending on the amount of sugar added. Compare that to an average of 65 calories in a cup of brewed coffee, and it becomes clear why many people opt for Turkish or Greek coffee as their preferred caffeinated beverage.

Can you drink Turkish coffee everyday?

Yes, Turkish coffee can be consumed every day as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, it is important to keep in mind that this type of coffee contains caffeine which can affect your energy levels and sleep patterns when consumed in large quantities. As with all caffeinated beverages, moderation is key for achieving the best results.


In conclusion, both Greek and Turkish coffee play an important role in the nations where they originate. While recognizably similar on the surface, their subtle distinctions rely on both cultural and religious traditions that add to each cup of coffee. For these reasons, those wishing to experience the unique flavors of Greece or Turkey should not miss out on the opportunity to sample either one. Even if you’re not a fan of coffee itself, the ritual involved with preparing either type is an experience worth savoring.

Whether you choose traditional Greek Coffee or flavorful Turkish Coffee, you are sure to find yourself amongst centuries of time-honored tradition dating back to 1554. Moreover, as technology continues to provide more accessible ways of doing things across different geographical locations, it may soon be easier than ever before for coffee connoisseurs everywhere to appreciate the cultures behind these distinct styles of coffee making.

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